Tiny 3D Printed CNC

Click To Watch On YouTube

Prior to this project, I had almost zero experience with CNC machining (unless you count 3d printers 🤷🏻‍♂️), so what better way to introduce myself than to dive in head first by building my first machine from scratch. However, to make it a little easier on me this time around, I decided to go with the build plans from Ivan Miranda. Ivan is an absolute mad scientist on YouTube that makes all kinds of crazy contraptions, including tiny and giant CNC machines. The plans from Ivan come with a bill of materials and a good luck note, so I still had to do a good bit of learning, but Ivan was a huge help!

I do hope and plan to build my own custom machine from absolute scratch in the future, and now I have a CNC machine to help me mill some aluminum plates for it!

If you’re interested in building this same CNC, make sure to give Ivan some love by subscribing to his channel and buying the plans from him. From there, you can use his and my video for guidance during the build.



This video was sponsored by PCBWay and they provided the PCB’s for this project. PCBWay is a one-stop shop for all your DIY electronics and 3d Printing needs, and they provided the PCB manufacturing services for this project! Make sure to check them out at the link below, so you can upgrade your next project with a professionally manufactured PCB!

Watch The Build Video!


3D Printed Teleprompter


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